Metro Auto Parts

Metro Auto Parts

Auto Repair in Milwaukee, WI

Auto Repair Auto Parts and Accessories Wholesalers

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11801 W Dearbourn Ave.,
Milwaukee , WI 53226 UNITED STATES


Metro Auto Parts 414-259-4100
11801 W Dearbourn Ave.,
Milwaukee , WI 53226 UNITED STATES
Metro Auto Parts 4

Based on 3 reviews

Metro Auto Parts 414-259-4100
11801 W Dearbourn Ave.,
Milwaukee , WI 53226 UNITED STATES
4 5

Parts for my BMW

Ive been using these guys for years and wanted to go on record how great there selection of BMW parts are. Go to there website and check these guys out!!
posted at 02/24/11
Metro Auto Parts 414-259-4100
11801 W Dearbourn Ave.,
Milwaukee , WI 53226 UNITED STATES
4 5

Metro Auto Parts for VW parts

Metro Auto Parts had the parts for my VW that I couldn't find all over town. Someone else told me to try these guys and they actually had it on the shelf. I was amazed and their prices were better then most of the other places I had...
posted at 02/24/11
Metro Auto Parts 414-259-4100
11801 W Dearbourn Ave.,
Milwaukee , WI 53226 UNITED STATES
4 5

First Choice

The guys at Metro were able to get me the right brake parts for both my Hyundai and my Kia cars. I went through several other part stores before getting the right brake parts. They will be my first choice from now on. And I know they...
posted at 08/26/10

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Metro Auto Parts
Auto Repair
4.0 (3 reviews)
auto brakes,  car painting,  muffler repair auto electrical
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