Mena's Palace

Mena's Palace

Restaurants in New Orleans, LA


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200 Chartres St.,
New Orleans , LA 70130 UNITED STATES


Mena's Palace 504-525-0217
200 Chartres St.,
New Orleans , LA 70130 UNITED STATES
Mena's Palace 1

Based on 1 reviews

Mena's Palace 504-525-0217
200 Chartres St.,
New Orleans , LA 70130 UNITED STATES
1 5

Meana's Palace?

We took a couple from Washington to enjoy the French quarter and were looking forward to a wonderful New Orlean's style lunch. Fortunately for us the service was horrible at Mena?s Palace. We sat there for 20 minutes with no service. ...
posted at 05/22/10

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