McDowell George C

McDowell George C

Real Estate in Houston, TX

Real Estate Real Estate Agencies Construction Consulting and Management

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3801 Kirby Dr.,
Houston , TX 77098 UNITED STATES


McDowell George C 713-528-5311
3801 Kirby Dr.,
Houston , TX 77098 UNITED STATES
McDowell George C 1

Based on 1 reviews

McDowell George C 713-528-5311
3801 Kirby Dr.,
Houston , TX 77098 UNITED STATES
1 5

Do NOT let them manage your property into the ground!

CMK (Wojciech Kic, Stephanie Crawford, and Larry McDowell) managed my property for 5 years and it was the worst mistake I ever made. My house was in good condition when I turned it over to them- I even updated it to make it a more...
posted at 02/02/11

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McDowell George C
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