Mcalpine Elementary School

Mcalpine Elementary School

Education in Charlotte, NC

Education Elementary Schools

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9100 Carswell Ln.,
Charlotte , NC 28277 UNITED STATES


Mcalpine Elementary School 980-343-3750
9100 Carswell Ln.,
Charlotte , NC 28277 UNITED STATES
Mcalpine Elementary School 1

Based on 1 reviews

Mcalpine Elementary School 980-343-3750
9100 Carswell Ln.,
Charlotte , NC 28277 UNITED STATES
1 5

McAlpine Elementary seemed like a really good school at first. My daughters Pre-K teachers are great and I trust them. My son is in an AU classroom and I trust his AU teachers, but recently he came home with 4 bruises that even my son's doctor says looks like finger marks, as if he was restrained to hard. I don't know what happened, all I know is he came home with marks on him and that's not supposed to happen. I think the good teachers at McAlpine should find another school to teach at.
posted at 03/17/14

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