Maywood Christian School

Maywood Christian School

City Government in Maywood, CA

City Government Schools Private Schools

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3759 E 57th St.,
Maywood , CA 90270 UNITED STATES


Maywood Christian School 323-585-3167
3759 E 57th St.,
Maywood , CA 90270 UNITED STATES
Maywood Christian School 1

Based on 1 reviews

Maywood Christian School 323-585-3167
3759 E 57th St.,
Maywood , CA 90270 UNITED STATES
1 5

Not an accredited school! BEWARE!

This school is NOT accredited and does NOT have college educated TEACHERS. Instead they have individuals they call "supervisors" that over see the students work. This school uses an outdated ACE program to supposedly teach the students...
posted at 09/22/10

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Maywood Christian School
City Government
1.0 (1 reviews)
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Maywood Christian School

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