Maroufi Fine Rugs & Antiques

Maroufi Fine Rugs & Antiques

Rugs & Carpets in La Jolla, San Diego, CA

Rugs & Carpets

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7629 Girard Ave.,
La Jolla, San Diego , CA 92037 UNITED STATES


Maroufi Fine Rugs & Antiques 858-456-2585
7629 Girard Ave.,
La Jolla, San Diego , CA 92037 UNITED STATES
Maroufi Fine Rugs & Antiques 5

Based on 1 reviews

Maroufi Fine Rugs & Antiques 858-456-2585
7629 Girard Ave.,
La Jolla, San Diego , CA 92037 UNITED STATES
5 5

this place is dangerous to the wallet!

We brought my mom's persian wool carpet to Maroufi Rugs & Antiques to be cleaned and wound up walking out with several more carpets! This place is dangerous! They have an amazing collection of persian and silk rugs - then you turn and...
posted at 01/27/10

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Company name
Maroufi Fine Rugs & Antiques
Rugs & Carpets
5.0 (1 reviews)
shag rugs,  antique oriental rugs,  traditional wool area rugs rugs cheap
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Maroufi Fine Rugs & Antiques

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