Macs Body Shop Incorporated

Macs Body Shop Incorporated

Auto Repair in Carol Stream, IL

Auto Repair Body Shops

Contact us


452 E St Charles Rd.,
Carol Stream , IL 60188 UNITED STATES


Macs Body Shop Incorporated 630-462-1455
452 E St Charles Rd.,
Carol Stream , IL 60188 UNITED STATES
Macs Body Shop Incorporated 5

Based on 6 reviews

Macs Body Shop Incorporated 630-462-1455
452 E St Charles Rd.,
Carol Stream , IL 60188 UNITED STATES
5 5

Great Body Shop!

Have delt with Mac for over 15 years - has always done a great job, and bent over backwards to help. Would never go anywhere else!
posted at 04/01/11
Macs Body Shop Incorporated 630-462-1455
452 E St Charles Rd.,
Carol Stream , IL 60188 UNITED STATES
5 5

Come here for car problems!

Came here when my car was giving me problems...the mechanic was friendly and efficient! The prices were reasonable and my car's fixed! =)
posted at 02/11/10
Macs Body Shop Incorporated 630-462-1455
452 E St Charles Rd.,
Carol Stream , IL 60188 UNITED STATES
5 5

Great Body Shop!

Have delt with Mac for over 15 years - has always done a great job, and bent over backwards to help. Would never go anywhere else!
posted at 03/31/11
Macs Body Shop Incorporated 630-462-1455
452 E St Charles Rd.,
Carol Stream , IL 60188 UNITED STATES
5 5

Wonderful Experience!

I have been a loyal Mac's Body Shop, Inc. customer my whole life and have always had wonderful experiences with bringing my cars there. The owner always gives me great deals with reasonable prices, and are great about working around my...
posted at 04/12/10
Macs Body Shop Incorporated 630-462-1455
452 E St Charles Rd.,
Carol Stream , IL 60188 UNITED STATES
5 5

Do business here

Had a bumper that needed a bit of repainting. Mac went above and beyond and painted the whole bumper at a great price.\r
Nice guy, good service, good prices. Everything I need.
posted at 08/05/10
Macs Body Shop Incorporated 630-462-1455
452 E St Charles Rd.,
Carol Stream , IL 60188 UNITED STATES
5 5

Come here for car problems!

Came here when my car was giving me problems...the mechanic was friendly and efficient! The prices were reasonable and my car's fixed! =)
posted at 02/10/10

Detail information

Company name
Macs Body Shop Incorporated
Auto Repair
5.0 (6 reviews)
fix car scratch,  auto body repairs,  engine repair auto service
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Macs Body Shop Incorporated

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