M S Collision

M S Collision

Auto Repair in Milpitas, CA

Auto Repair Body Shops

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107 Minnis Cir.,
Milpitas , CA 95035 UNITED STATES


M S Collision 408-946-6626
107 Minnis Cir.,
Milpitas , CA 95035 UNITED STATES
M S Collision 4

Based on 1 reviews

M S Collision 408-946-6626
107 Minnis Cir.,
Milpitas , CA 95035 UNITED STATES
4 5

Great Body Autobody Shop

This is a great auto body shop. If you're car has been in an accident, these guys will get you back on the road quickly. I've taken all my vehicles here whenever there is some kind of damage to them (like accidentally scraping the side of...
posted at 02/18/10

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M S Collision
Auto Repair
4.0 (1 reviews)
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