Lube Masters Automotive

Lube Masters Automotive

Auto Repair in North Hollywood, Los Angeles, CA

Auto Repair

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11491 Oxnard St.,
North Hollywood, Los Angeles , CA 91606 UNITED STATES


Lube Masters Automotive 818-506-1787
11491 Oxnard St.,
North Hollywood, Los Angeles , CA 91606 UNITED STATES
Lube Masters Automotive 4.875

Based on 8 reviews

Lube Masters Automotive 818-506-1787
11491 Oxnard St.,
North Hollywood, Los Angeles , CA 91606 UNITED STATES
5 5

best brake shop in north hollywood

I been going to lube masters automotive for 3 years now and i'm still a customer for them. I am very happy with their services.
posted at 10/27/10
Lube Masters Automotive 818-506-1787
11491 Oxnard St.,
North Hollywood, Los Angeles , CA 91606 UNITED STATES
5 5

Good Guys!

It's refreshing to go to an auto place and not have someone try to up sell you. They did what I asked and were quick thorough and pleasant. I will be back with my other vehicles asap!

Lakers Rule!
posted at 12/15/10
Lube Masters Automotive 818-506-1787
11491 Oxnard St.,
North Hollywood, Los Angeles , CA 91606 UNITED STATES
5 5

Good Guys!

It's refreshing to go to an auto place and not have someone try to up sell you. They did what I asked and were quick thorough and pleasant. I will be back with my other vehicles asap!

Lakers Rule!
posted at 12/16/10
Lube Masters Automotive 818-506-1787
11491 Oxnard St.,
North Hollywood, Los Angeles , CA 91606 UNITED STATES
5 5

great auto repair service

5 stars for lube masters automotive in 91606 and Jose at the shop
posted at 11/01/10
Lube Masters Automotive 818-506-1787
11491 Oxnard St.,
North Hollywood, Los Angeles , CA 91606 UNITED STATES
5 5

Great place 4 oil change & auto repair.

I went with my aunt here 2 weeks ago. I found them here just to let everyone know how friendly they were. We spoke with Jose the owner of Lube Masters Automotive. Fixed our problems in no time.
posted at 02/02/11
Lube Masters Automotive 818-506-1787
11491 Oxnard St.,
North Hollywood, Los Angeles , CA 91606 UNITED STATES
4 5

Auto repair shop in the 91606

Thanks to city search i found these guys and was really helpful the reviews for this shop.
posted at 11/16/10
Lube Masters Automotive 818-506-1787
11491 Oxnard St.,
North Hollywood, Los Angeles , CA 91606 UNITED STATES
5 5

Best auto repair shop

i was looking around and nobody could help me till i came to them. they told me what it was and fix it 4 me.thanks alot guys @ lube masters automotive!
posted at 10/22/10
Lube Masters Automotive 818-506-1787
11491 Oxnard St.,
North Hollywood, Los Angeles , CA 91606 UNITED STATES
5 5

North Hollywood oil change

2 the review below that is not true they are open monday through saturday 8am to 6pm. and i did go the shop and are great at what they do. went in for an oil change and got my car back within 15 minutes. great job 2 thumbs up :)
posted at 10/19/10

Detail information

Company name
Lube Masters Automotive
Auto Repair
4.9 (8 reviews)
engine repair,  auto collision,  german auto repair auto diagnostics
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