Los Arcos 2

Los Arcos 2

Restaurants in Gastonia, NC

Restaurants Tex-Mex Restaurants

Contact us


1525 N Chester St.,
Gastonia , NC 28052 UNITED STATES


Los Arcos 2 704-868-4080
1525 N Chester St.,
Gastonia , NC 28052 UNITED STATES
Los Arcos 2 3

Based on 1 reviews

Los Arcos 2 704-868-4080
1525 N Chester St.,
Gastonia , NC 28052 UNITED STATES
3 5

Kathy S

I'VE been there several times with friends, and had a great meal with drinks, chips and salsa good. People very friendly and the restaurant was clean.
posted at 02/04/10

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Los Arcos 2
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