Long Lake & Dequindre Shell

Long Lake & Dequindre Shell

Auto Repair in Utica, MI

Auto Repair Gas & Service Stations

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Corner Of East Long Lake D.,
Utica , MI 48315 UNITED STATES


Long Lake & Dequindre Shell 248-689-8200
Corner Of East Long Lake D.,
Utica , MI 48315 UNITED STATES
Long Lake & Dequindre Shell 1

Based on 2 reviews

Long Lake & Dequindre Shell 248-689-8200
Corner Of East Long Lake D.,
Utica , MI 48315 UNITED STATES
1 5

Only 6 cents!

Sorry to say that but the middle eastern manager is an imbecile! They are giving ski voucher if you buy 10 gallons of fuel. I have a small car so I put the maximum gas I could. It was 9.98 gallons. The cashier asked the manager if it is...
posted at 01/28/11
Long Lake & Dequindre Shell 248-689-8200
Corner Of East Long Lake D.,
Utica , MI 48315 UNITED STATES
1 5

Only 6 cents!

Sorry to say that but the middle eastern manager is an imbecile! They are giving ski voucher if you buy 10 gallons of fuel. I have a small car so I put the maximum gas I could. It was 9.98 gallons. The cashier asked the manager if it is...
posted at 01/27/11

Detail information

Company name
Long Lake & Dequindre Shell
Auto Repair
1.0 (2 reviews)
automotive repair service,  japanese auto repair,  car fixing auto brakes
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Long Lake & Dequindre Shell

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