London Cleaners

London Cleaners

Local Services in Powder Springs, GA

Local Services Dry Cleaning & Laundry

Contact us


3217 New Macland Rd.,
Powder Springs , GA 30127 UNITED STATES


London Cleaners 770-439-5337
3217 New Macland Rd.,
Powder Springs , GA 30127 UNITED STATES
London Cleaners 4.2

Based on 5 reviews

London Cleaners 770-439-5337
3217 New Macland Rd.,
Powder Springs , GA 30127 UNITED STATES
4 5

Great Job

Well worth it. Took care of my clothes on emergency basis. Did not even chrge extra for it.
posted at 01/24/11
London Cleaners 770-439-5337
3217 New Macland Rd.,
Powder Springs , GA 30127 UNITED STATES
4 5


London Cleaners has done a great job on my dry cleaning. Typically I can get my clothing back the next day. They do not over starch or double press.
posted at 02/09/10
London Cleaners 770-439-5337
3217 New Macland Rd.,
Powder Springs , GA 30127 UNITED STATES
4 5


London Cleaners is a locally owned and run cleaning store. They provide dry cleaning and laundry services. They give one day service and have reasonable prices. Very friendly staff that knows your ...
posted at 08/20/05
London Cleaners 770-439-5337
3217 New Macland Rd.,
Powder Springs , GA 30127 UNITED STATES
4 5


London Cleaners has done a great job on my dry cleaning. Typically I can get my clothing back the next day. They do not over starch or double press.
posted at 02/09/10
London Cleaners 770-439-5337
3217 New Macland Rd.,
Powder Springs , GA 30127 UNITED STATES
5 5

Great Job

Well worth it. Took care of my clothes on emergency basis. Did not even chrge extra for it.
posted at 01/23/11

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London Cleaners
Local Services
4.2 (5 reviews)
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