Littles Automotive

Littles Automotive

Auto Repair in Citrus Heights, CA

Auto Repair

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5916 Auburn Blvd..,
Citrus Heights , CA 95621 UNITED STATES


Littles Automotive 916-332-9237
5916 Auburn Blvd..,
Citrus Heights , CA 95621 UNITED STATES
Littles Automotive 5

Based on 1 reviews

Littles Automotive 916-332-9237
5916 Auburn Blvd..,
Citrus Heights , CA 95621 UNITED STATES
5 5

Good Repair Shop for smog related repairs.

Friendly auto repair shop. I was having trouble passing smog. These guys are a Gold Shield certified smog station so I figured it would be a good place to go. I'm not sure what exactly gold shield means but they did a great job getting my...
posted at 10/07/10

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Littles Automotive
Auto Repair
5.0 (1 reviews)
japanese auto repair,  car repair estimates,  auto body repairs radiator repair
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