Lighthouse Car Wash

Lighthouse Car Wash

Car Wash in Canton, MI

Car Wash

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41869 Ford Rd.,
Canton , MI 48187 UNITED STATES


Lighthouse Car Wash 734-981-0877
41869 Ford Rd.,
Canton , MI 48187 UNITED STATES
Lighthouse Car Wash 3.5

Based on 2 reviews

Lighthouse Car Wash 734-981-0877
41869 Ford Rd.,
Canton , MI 48187 UNITED STATES
5 5


I own Lighthouse car wash in Pompano Beach, FL ... Sorry to hear you have problems with my "namesake" . These are car washes out side of Florida... \r
If you folks who had the problems are ever this way come by and see me for a free...
posted at 11/02/10
Lighthouse Car Wash 734-981-0877
41869 Ford Rd.,
Canton , MI 48187 UNITED STATES
2 5

unhappy customer

I used to drive thru this car wash often and received fairly decent service but after purchasing a new car with amg wheels I made a big mistake by going thru the drive thru and listening to the employees directing me in I damaged my...
posted at 05/24/11

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Lighthouse Car Wash
Car Wash
3.5 (2 reviews)
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Lighthouse Car Wash

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