Lifschitz Mervyn L

Lifschitz Mervyn L

Doctors in Denver, CO

Doctors Churches

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4545 E 9th Ave.,
Denver , CO 80220 UNITED STATES


Lifschitz Mervyn L 303-388-4673
4545 E 9th Ave.,
Denver , CO 80220 UNITED STATES
Lifschitz Mervyn L 2.3333333333333

Based on 3 reviews

Lifschitz Mervyn L 303-388-4673
4545 E 9th Ave.,
Denver , CO 80220 UNITED STATES
5 5

A gifted doctor and listener.

I have had ten years of endocrinology issues, and in the course of my illness, seen many doctors. Dr. Lifschitz is the best I have ever seen.

He has a deep sense of compassion, incredible listening skills, and good problem solving....
posted at 12/15/10
Lifschitz Mervyn L 303-388-4673
4545 E 9th Ave.,
Denver , CO 80220 UNITED STATES
1 5

Do not bother calling...

I called this doctor to schedule an appointment for my daughter and the receptionist was extremely rude! When I said to her, "apparently you don't want to talk to me, I'll find a different doctor" her response was, "wow, aren't we..." (I...
posted at 12/01/10
Lifschitz Mervyn L 303-388-4673
4545 E 9th Ave.,
Denver , CO 80220 UNITED STATES
1 5


I cannot speak to the quality of care that Dr. Mervyn Lifschitz provides but I can tell you that, if it is anything like the professionalism that his staff showed to my wife and I after we missed an appointment, he clearly should have his...
posted at 03/30/11

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