Lexus Auto Repair At Toyotech

Lexus Auto Repair At Toyotech

Auto Repair in Montclair, CA

Auto Repair

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5483 Arrow Hwy.,
Montclair , CA 91763 UNITED STATES

About Lexus Auto Repair At Toyotech


Lexus Auto Repair At Toyotech 909-982-5536
5483 Arrow Hwy.,
Montclair , CA 91763 UNITED STATES
Lexus Auto Repair At Toyotech 5

Based on 11 reviews

Lexus Auto Repair At Toyotech 909-982-5536
5483 Arrow Hwy.,
Montclair , CA 91763 UNITED STATES
5 5

Great Place

I have used Toyotech for several repairs and they have always done it professionally and correct. Can't ask for more than that. Their prices are well within reason and their was no upselling.
posted at 03/23/11
Lexus Auto Repair At Toyotech 909-982-5536
5483 Arrow Hwy.,
Montclair , CA 91763 UNITED STATES
5 5

So impressed

I have been so impressed with the quality of work.
posted at 05/04/11
Lexus Auto Repair At Toyotech 909-982-5536
5483 Arrow Hwy.,
Montclair , CA 91763 UNITED STATES
5 5

Great service and fair prices.

I have taken my car here a few times, and Keith and Jody are awesome. Great service and fair prices.
posted at 04/27/11
Lexus Auto Repair At Toyotech 909-982-5536
5483 Arrow Hwy.,
Montclair , CA 91763 UNITED STATES
5 5


I recommend Rick to handle all my service needs for my car. I have been so impressed with the quality of work he has done on my car that I have and will always recommend him to others.He is honest and tells you what you need and doesn't...
posted at 03/28/11
Lexus Auto Repair At Toyotech 909-982-5536
5483 Arrow Hwy.,
Montclair , CA 91763 UNITED STATES
5 5

Trusted by our family

My husband had taken his older Land Cruisers here and said great things about this place but I always feel like a repair shop is a repair shop - not much difference between them and they all try to screw you. So when our minivan was due...
posted at 06/02/11
Lexus Auto Repair At Toyotech 909-982-5536
5483 Arrow Hwy.,
Montclair , CA 91763 UNITED STATES
5 5

Prices are GREAT!

Very helpful/informative in in explaining all issues w/ my vehicle, very courteous, would highly recommend to anyone, oh and the prices were GREAT!
posted at 04/04/11
Lexus Auto Repair At Toyotech 909-982-5536
5483 Arrow Hwy.,
Montclair , CA 91763 UNITED STATES
5 5

I can trust what he is saying.

It was a totally different experience going to Toyotech. I don't know much about cars, but the owner, always makes me feel I can trust what he is saying.
posted at 05/10/11
Lexus Auto Repair At Toyotech 909-982-5536
5483 Arrow Hwy.,
Montclair , CA 91763 UNITED STATES
5 5

Honest Place!

Total reliability in honesty and workman ship.
posted at 05/23/11
Lexus Auto Repair At Toyotech 909-982-5536
5483 Arrow Hwy.,
Montclair , CA 91763 UNITED STATES
5 5

I love this place

I couldn't have been more pleased with the service I received and I am now a lifetime customer.
posted at 05/26/11
Lexus Auto Repair At Toyotech 909-982-5536
5483 Arrow Hwy.,
Montclair , CA 91763 UNITED STATES
5 5

Always Great

The service here is always great. They are very professional.
posted at 05/17/11
Lexus Auto Repair At Toyotech 909-982-5536
5483 Arrow Hwy.,
Montclair , CA 91763 UNITED STATES
5 5

Nice guys and very knowledgable

In determining what to fix up on my aging car, they have helped me decide between options based on how long I planned on keeping my car. Only an honest mechanic would do that. I appreciate their honesty they are highly recommended by me.
posted at 05/31/11

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Lexus Auto Repair At Toyotech
Auto Repair
5.0 (11 reviews)
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