Lewis Automotive Center

Lewis Automotive Center

Auto Repair in Oceanside, CA

Auto Repair

Contact us


626 Camelot Dr.,
Oceanside , CA 92054 UNITED STATES


Lewis Automotive Center 760-721-1511
626 Camelot Dr.,
Oceanside , CA 92054 UNITED STATES
Lewis Automotive Center 5

Based on 2 reviews

Lewis Automotive Center 760-721-1511
626 Camelot Dr.,
Oceanside , CA 92054 UNITED STATES
5 5

Honest, skilled mechanic; fun shop

Lewis takes care of their customers and charges fair rates. They're great for foreign or domestic auto repair. They're not trying to get rich quick. They keep their customers. Even the taxi shops in town trust Lewis to work on their cars....
posted at 06/27/10
Lewis Automotive Center 760-721-1511
626 Camelot Dr.,
Oceanside , CA 92054 UNITED STATES
5 5

Honest, skilled mechanic; fun shop

Lewis takes care of their customers and charges fair rates. They're great for foreign or domestic auto repair. They're not trying to get rich quick. They keep their customers. Even the taxi shops in town trust Lewis to work on their cars....
posted at 06/26/10

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Lewis Automotive Center
Auto Repair
5.0 (2 reviews)
german auto repair,  auto diagnostics,  auto bumper repair fix car paint
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