Laredos Mexican Bar & Grill

Laredos Mexican Bar & Grill

Tex-Mex Restaurants in Marietta, GA

Tex-Mex Restaurants

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1860 Sandy Plains Rd., 400
Marietta , GA 30066 UNITED STATES


Laredos Mexican Bar & Grill 678-453-3663
1860 Sandy Plains Rd., 400
Marietta , GA 30066 UNITED STATES
Laredos Mexican Bar & Grill 3

Based on 1 reviews

Laredos Mexican Bar & Grill 678-453-3663
1860 Sandy Plains Rd., 400
Marietta , GA 30066 UNITED STATES
3 5

good mexican drinking bar

Good place to get a good liquior drink or just a beer. I like the service and how they run things as well. Enjoy it I hope this helped.
posted at 04/25/10

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Laredos Mexican Bar & Grill
Tex-Mex Restaurants
3.0 (1 reviews)
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Laredos Mexican Bar & Grill

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