Kryptonite Kollectibles

Kryptonite Kollectibles

Hobby & Model Shops in Janesville, WI

Hobby & Model Shops

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3000 Milton Ave.,
Janesville , WI 53545 UNITED STATES


Kryptonite Kollectibles 608-758-2100
3000 Milton Ave.,
Janesville , WI 53545 UNITED STATES
Kryptonite Kollectibles 5

Based on 1 reviews

Kryptonite Kollectibles 608-758-2100
3000 Milton Ave.,
Janesville , WI 53545 UNITED STATES
5 5

great collectible/gaming store

This is a unique store that allows teenagers (and adults) come into the store and play games (hero clix, DC comics, etc) on a weekly basis. They have a lot of collectible items as well as comics, games, etc. Highly recommend!
posted at 07/31/05

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Kryptonite Kollectibles
Hobby & Model Shops
5.0 (1 reviews)
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Kryptonite Kollectibles

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