Krugh Automotive

Krugh Automotive

Auto Repair in Pittsburgh, PA

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5077 Brownsville Rd.,
Pittsburgh , PA 15236 UNITED STATES


Krugh Automotive 412-881-9909
5077 Brownsville Rd.,
Pittsburgh , PA 15236 UNITED STATES
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Based on 3 reviews

Krugh Automotive 412-881-9909
5077 Brownsville Rd.,
Pittsburgh , PA 15236 UNITED STATES
5 5

Best Mechanic in the South Hills!

Bob Krugh is a stand up guy. The first comment from Emil E. in 2009 makes absolutely no sense. If I were Bob, I would have done the same thing if a piece of smut car came into my lot and I was going to do a guy a favor. Whatever,...
posted at 03/31/11
Krugh Automotive 412-881-9909
5077 Brownsville Rd.,
Pittsburgh , PA 15236 UNITED STATES
4 5

Krugh Automotive is more than fair

I have dealt with Bob several times over the last 5 years. He has always been more then fair and very upfront about charges when possible. I have as referred several friends to him that have also been very pleased with his services. Never...
posted at 01/07/10
Krugh Automotive 412-881-9909
5077 Brownsville Rd.,
Pittsburgh , PA 15236 UNITED STATES
5 5

best mechanic

Bobby Krugh is the most stand up and honest mechanic I know! I have been taking my cars to Bobby for about 8 - 10 years now. I can honestly tell you I have never been blindsided at the time of service of a major repair or issue with any...
posted at 03/16/11

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Krugh Automotive
Auto Repair
4.7 (3 reviews)
automotive repair service,  fix car scratch
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