Kozakeicz Joseph B Inc

Kozakeicz Joseph B Inc

Local Services in Philadelphia, PA

Local Services Appliances & Repair Hardware

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4925 Princeton Ave.,
Philadelphia , PA 19135 UNITED STATES


Kozakeicz Joseph B Inc 215-547-5600
4925 Princeton Ave.,
Philadelphia , PA 19135 UNITED STATES
Kozakeicz Joseph B Inc 1

Based on 1 reviews

Kozakeicz Joseph B Inc 215-547-5600
4925 Princeton Ave.,
Philadelphia , PA 19135 UNITED STATES
1 5

Worst experience ever!

Worst experience ever! I scheduled an appointment. There was no mention of a service fee to diagnose the problem. They collected my deposit of $100 for a drain heater. I schedule 4 appointments. Each time "something" came up and they had to cancel at the last minute. I was the one that called to find out they couldn't make it. The job never got done. I eventually had a true professional come out and complete the job for a fraction of the cost. And by the way the "drain heater" was an unnecessary part that they can charge you extra for. A complete rip-off. Please stay away from these shysters. I'm now out $100 because of this, which they are calling a "service fee". I want to make sure in the future that nobody else has to go through the same horrible experience I just went through. I'd give them zero stars but citysearch wouldn't let me.
posted at 02/25/09

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Kozakeicz Joseph B Inc
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