Korean Pilgrim Baptist Church

Korean Pilgrim Baptist Church

Religious Organizations in Alhambra, CA

Religious Organizations Churches

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2518 W Grand Ave.,
Alhambra , CA 91801 UNITED STATES


Korean Pilgrim Baptist Church 626-570-1610
2518 W Grand Ave.,
Alhambra , CA 91801 UNITED STATES
Korean Pilgrim Baptist Church 1

Based on 1 reviews

Korean Pilgrim Baptist Church 626-570-1610
2518 W Grand Ave.,
Alhambra , CA 91801 UNITED STATES
1 5

Chinese baptist church Tarzana California

It is sad to see baptist church members ripping off honest Americans. The pastor believes that if ignore the problem it will go away, When confronted about the problem he said not his problem. But it bad for the image of the church and it also bad for the families that were hurt,
One of the church members called the pastor totally useless.Don't let anyone else get hurt or if they move to your church be careful.
God bless
posted at 12/13/09

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Korean Pilgrim Baptist Church
Religious Organizations
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Korean Pilgrim Baptist Church

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