Kmk Cleaners

Kmk Cleaners

Local Services in Bellingham, MA

Local Services Dry Cleaning & Laundry

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72 Hixon St.,
Bellingham , MA 02019 UNITED STATES


Kmk Cleaners 508-376-1262
72 Hixon St.,
Bellingham , MA 02019 UNITED STATES
Kmk Cleaners 4

Based on 2 reviews

Kmk Cleaners 508-376-1262
72 Hixon St.,
Bellingham , MA 02019 UNITED STATES
4 5


Kmk is great because the shop is very warm and cozy, perfect for those cold winter days when you just want to get out of the wind and cold!
posted at 02/19/10
Kmk Cleaners 508-376-1262
72 Hixon St.,
Bellingham , MA 02019 UNITED STATES
4 5

We use them exclusively

We love KMK in Millis, My husband uses them exclusively for all of his dry cleaning. We've also gone there for tailoring and I had my wedding dress preserved there. They are always nice and they send out some great coupons to their...
posted at 05/07/10

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Kmk Cleaners
Local Services
4.0 (2 reviews)
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Kmk Cleaners

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