Kips Automotive Repair

Kips Automotive Repair

Auto Repair in Douglasville, GA

Auto Repair

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9130 Highway 5., C
Douglasville , GA 30134 UNITED STATES


Kips Automotive Repair 678-715-1357
9130 Highway 5., C
Douglasville , GA 30134 UNITED STATES
Kips Automotive Repair 5

Based on 1 reviews

Kips Automotive Repair 678-715-1357
9130 Highway 5., C
Douglasville , GA 30134 UNITED STATES
5 5

Finally, an HONEST mechanic!!!

After my last mechanic went out of business, we searched long and hard for a new mechanic. It took YEARS!!! In the long run, all of them turned out the be crooks ... then a friend recommended Kips to us.

I had some work done to my 84'...
posted at 06/17/11

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Kips Automotive Repair
Auto Repair
5.0 (1 reviews)
engine repair,  car brake repair,  car repair services domestic car repair
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