Khanna Kusum Dr

Khanna Kusum Dr

Doctors in New York, NY


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235 W 75th St.,
New York , NY 10023 UNITED STATES


Khanna Kusum Dr 212-496-6440
235 W 75th St.,
New York , NY 10023 UNITED STATES
Khanna Kusum Dr 5

Based on 1 reviews

Khanna Kusum Dr 212-496-6440
235 W 75th St.,
New York , NY 10023 UNITED STATES
5 5

Dr. Sasala is AWESOME!

My 5 year old son's first visit, Dr. Sasala took out his stitches and he didn't even cry. The office is clean and welcoming. The staff is very pleasant and nice. Dr. Sasala answered all my questions. My son was happy and felt very...
posted at 03/23/11

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