K.C. Automotive, Inc

K.C. Automotive, Inc

Auto Repair in Bixby, OK

Auto Repair

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8164 E 131st St S.,
Bixby , OK 74008 UNITED STATES


K.C. Automotive, Inc 918-369-5717
8164 E 131st St S.,
Bixby , OK 74008 UNITED STATES
K.C. Automotive, Inc 1

Based on 1 reviews

K.C. Automotive, Inc 918-369-5717
8164 E 131st St S.,
Bixby , OK 74008 UNITED STATES
1 5

Liar trying to steal your money!!

He was a smart ass when I called and told him what was wrong with the car and asked what it would cost to repair. Then when I brought it in he said my CAM shaft was frozen and I needed a new engine that would cost me $3,500 with labor. ...
posted at 08/23/10

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Company name
K.C. Automotive, Inc
Auto Repair
1.0 (1 reviews)
car brake repair,  car mechanic
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K.C. Automotive, Inc

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