Kalinda Restaurant & Catering

Kalinda Restaurant & Catering

Caterers in Union City, CA


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31834 Alvarado Blvd., B
Union City , CA 94587 UNITED STATES


Kalinda Restaurant & Catering 510-477-8907
31834 Alvarado Blvd., B
Union City , CA 94587 UNITED STATES
Kalinda Restaurant & Catering 4

Based on 1 reviews

Kalinda Restaurant & Catering 510-477-8907
31834 Alvarado Blvd., B
Union City , CA 94587 UNITED STATES
4 5


I had a hankering for tosilog and wanted to go for something authentic and homemade. I decided to try out Ka Linda since it was the closest Filipino restaurant in the area. I ordered tosilog to go and I enjoyed it very much. The tocino...
posted at 06/14/10

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Kalinda Restaurant & Catering
4.0 (1 reviews)
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Kalinda Restaurant & Catering

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