Jon's Muffler Shop

Jon's Muffler Shop

Auto Repair in Rockwall, TX

Auto Repair

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1101 S Goliad St.,
Rockwall , TX 75087 UNITED STATES


Jon's Muffler Shop 972-771-1150
1101 S Goliad St.,
Rockwall , TX 75087 UNITED STATES
Jon's Muffler Shop 2.5

Based on 2 reviews

Jon's Muffler Shop 972-771-1150
1101 S Goliad St.,
Rockwall , TX 75087 UNITED STATES
1 5

Horrible Experience

HORRIBLE experience, after Johnny having my car for 5 weeks to do some suspension work and replace a seal in the transmission and then service the transmission. While at the shop my right side mirror was broken and the door panel was...
posted at 08/18/10
Jon's Muffler Shop 972-771-1150
1101 S Goliad St.,
Rockwall , TX 75087 UNITED STATES
4 5

Horrible Shop

HORRIBLE experience, after Johnny having my car for 5 weeks to do some suspension work and replace a seal in the transmission and then service the transmission. While at the shop my right side mirror was broken and the door panel was...
posted at 08/18/10

Detail information

Company name
Jon's Muffler Shop
Auto Repair
2.5 (2 reviews)
german auto repair,  muffler repair,  auto body repairs auto collision
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Jon's Muffler Shop

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