Johnson Computers

Johnson Computers

Local Services in Hayward, CA

Local Services IT Services & Computers

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30993 Huntwood Ave., 201
Hayward , CA 94544 UNITED STATES


Johnson Computers 510-477-0866
30993 Huntwood Ave., 201
Hayward , CA 94544 UNITED STATES
Johnson Computers 5

Based on 1 reviews

Johnson Computers 510-477-0866
30993 Huntwood Ave., 201
Hayward , CA 94544 UNITED STATES
5 5


I had a giant server that had burnt motherboard, went to some repair shop and no one seemed to want to repair it for me, then I found this company at last and they repaired it for me just in 1 day, SUPER.
posted at 05/27/11

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Johnson Computers
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5.0 (1 reviews)
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