Johnson Body Shop

Johnson Body Shop

Auto Repair in Durham, NC

Auto Repair Body Shops

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2207 Fay St.,
Durham , NC 27704 UNITED STATES


Johnson Body Shop 919-682-1090
2207 Fay St.,
Durham , NC 27704 UNITED STATES
Johnson Body Shop 5

Based on 2 reviews

Johnson Body Shop 919-682-1090
2207 Fay St.,
Durham , NC 27704 UNITED STATES
5 5

Best Body Shop Experience Ever!!

Johnson Body shop has repaired # of my vehicles and has done a fabulous job!!!! It was handled quickly and professionally and the quality of the work performed was fantastic! I will only take my vehicles to Johnson Body for all future...
posted at 11/18/10
Johnson Body Shop 919-682-1090
2207 Fay St.,
Durham , NC 27704 UNITED STATES
5 5

awsome experience in body repair

After hitting a deer, and being scared to death, the nice folks at Johnson Body Shop took all the hassle out of getting my Lexus repaired in a reasonable time. They handled all the insurance and rental car issues. after the repairs, my...
posted at 11/17/10

Detail information

Company name
Johnson Body Shop
Auto Repair
5.0 (2 reviews)
domestic car repair,  fix car scratch,  collision auto repair auto bumper repair
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