John's Automotive Service

John's Automotive Service

Auto Repair in Chino, CA

Auto Repair

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6108 Schaefer Ave.,
Chino , CA 91710 UNITED STATES


John's Automotive Service 909-627-6677
6108 Schaefer Ave.,
Chino , CA 91710 UNITED STATES
John's Automotive Service 3

Based on 2 reviews

John's Automotive Service 909-627-6677
6108 Schaefer Ave.,
Chino , CA 91710 UNITED STATES
3 5


General Automotive Services for domestic and foreign. Does good work and not to expensive, they fixed my window and di d my oil change
posted at 02/23/10
John's Automotive Service 909-627-6677
6108 Schaefer Ave.,
Chino , CA 91710 UNITED STATES
3 5


General Automotive Services for domestic and foreign. Does good work and not to expensive, they fixed my window and di d my oil change
posted at 02/22/10

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John's Automotive Service
Auto Repair
3.0 (2 reviews)
auto service,  car painting,  auto brakes car repair estimates
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John's Automotive Service

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