Jims Interstate Auto

Jims Interstate Auto

Automotive in Portland, OR

Automotive Auto Dealers Auto Repair

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4212 N Interstate Ave.,
Portland , OR 97217 UNITED STATES


Jims Interstate Auto 503-284-9060
4212 N Interstate Ave.,
Portland , OR 97217 UNITED STATES
Jims Interstate Auto 4.5

Based on 2 reviews

Jims Interstate Auto 503-284-9060
4212 N Interstate Ave.,
Portland , OR 97217 UNITED STATES
4 5

Great mechanic

Jim is a great mechanic who has always been available to fully explain what is happening with my care. He also has consistently reasonable rates for repairs
posted at 02/16/10
Jims Interstate Auto 503-284-9060
4212 N Interstate Ave.,
Portland , OR 97217 UNITED STATES
5 5

Great mechanic

Jim is a great mechanic who has always been available to fully explain what is happening with my care. He also has consistently reasonable rates for repairs
posted at 02/15/10

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Jims Interstate Auto
4.5 (2 reviews)
car repair estimates,  muffler repair,  auto mechanic auto diagnostics
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