Jehovah's Witnesses Citrus Heights California

Jehovah's Witnesses Citrus Heights California

Churches in Citrus Heights, CA


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6965 Sylvan Rd.,
Citrus Heights , CA 95610 UNITED STATES


Jehovah's Witnesses Citrus Heights California 916-726-6276
6965 Sylvan Rd.,
Citrus Heights , CA 95610 UNITED STATES
Jehovah's Witnesses Citrus Heights California 1

Based on 1 reviews

Jehovah's Witnesses Citrus Heights California 916-726-6276
6965 Sylvan Rd.,
Citrus Heights , CA 95610 UNITED STATES
1 5

They will look into your house through your blinds when you don't answer your door quick enough. And no matter how polite and patient you try to be towards them, if you say anything that they don't like they are extremely rude and disrespectful and if you ask them not to come to your home they will not receive it well, they are "coming to call" and the old guys that bothered me yesterday said it was his job as a church members to confront heretics. I hope that not all Jehovah's do not act like this group choose to act. And I did not want to give them one star the thing forced me to
posted at 07/22/15

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Jehovah's Witnesses Citrus Heights California
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