Japanese Automotive Service

Japanese Automotive Service

Auto Repair in Hilliard, OH

Auto Repair

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4011 Wayne St.,
Hilliard , OH 43026 UNITED STATES


Japanese Automotive Service 614-534-0370
4011 Wayne St.,
Hilliard , OH 43026 UNITED STATES
Japanese Automotive Service 5

Based on 1 reviews

Japanese Automotive Service 614-534-0370
4011 Wayne St.,
Hilliard , OH 43026 UNITED STATES
5 5

Saved me a ton of money!

I have a 99 Camry that started having power steering issues this winter. I took it to Cars Inc. in Polaris as it was near my office and they told me the rack on the steering was bad and it would cost me about $700.00 to replace....
posted at 03/12/10

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Company name
Japanese Automotive Service
Auto Repair
5.0 (1 reviews)
car repair services,  radiator repair,  auto painting
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Japanese Automotive Service

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