Jans Auto Body Inc

Jans Auto Body Inc

Auto Repair in Astoria, Queens, NY

Auto Repair Body Shops Towing

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3803 23rd Ave.,
Astoria, Queens , NY 11105 UNITED STATES


Jans Auto Body Inc 718-728-8867
3803 23rd Ave.,
Astoria, Queens , NY 11105 UNITED STATES
Jans Auto Body Inc 5

Based on 3 reviews

Jans Auto Body Inc 718-728-8867
3803 23rd Ave.,
Astoria, Queens , NY 11105 UNITED STATES
5 5

Jan's Auto Body Inc

If you are a driver who has recently been involved in an accident, we can help you get back on the road quickly, minimizing the inconvenience to you. Auto Dent Removal Service, Dent Removal, Auto Pain...
posted at 11/24/10
Jans Auto Body Inc 718-728-8867
3803 23rd Ave.,
Astoria, Queens , NY 11105 UNITED STATES
5 5

Jan's Auto Body Inc

If you are a driver who has recently been involved in an accident, we can help you get back on the road quickly, minimizing the inconvenience to you. Auto Dent Removal Service, Dent Removal, Auto Paint Repair, Auto Body Shop, Collision...
posted at 12/11/10
Jans Auto Body Inc 718-728-8867
3803 23rd Ave.,
Astoria, Queens , NY 11105 UNITED STATES
5 5

Jan's Auto Body Inc

If you are a driver who has recently been involved in an accident, we can help you get back on the road quickly, minimizing the inconvenience to you. Auto Dent Removal Service, Dent Removal, Auto Paint Repair, Auto Body Shop, Collision...
posted at 12/10/10

Detail information

Company name
Jans Auto Body Inc
Auto Repair
5.0 (3 reviews)
auto collision,  auto brakes,  collision auto repair
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Jans Auto Body Inc

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