Janitzio Mexican Restaurant

Janitzio Mexican Restaurant

Restaurants in San Antonio, TX

Restaurants Tex-Mex Restaurants

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4404 Walzem Rd..,
San Antonio , TX 78218 UNITED STATES


Janitzio Mexican Restaurant 210-657-7363
4404 Walzem Rd..,
San Antonio , TX 78218 UNITED STATES
Janitzio Mexican Restaurant 2

Based on 1 reviews

Janitzio Mexican Restaurant 210-657-7363
4404 Walzem Rd..,
San Antonio , TX 78218 UNITED STATES
2 5

This is San Antonio, you can do better elsewhere

Hubby likes this place for some reason, but just in the year we've been going, it's gone downhill. The cheese tastes like it's velveeta and some of the enchilada sauces are kinda thin. The rice is bland and our child can't seem to find...
posted at 04/22/11

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Janitzio Mexican Restaurant
2.0 (1 reviews)
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Janitzio Mexican Restaurant

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