Jack's Carpet

Jack's Carpet

Rugs & Carpets in Houston, TX

Rugs & Carpets

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4950 Beechnut St.,
Houston , TX 77096 UNITED STATES


Jack's Carpet 832-778-1600
4950 Beechnut St.,
Houston , TX 77096 UNITED STATES
Jack's Carpet 4

Based on 1 reviews

Jack's Carpet 832-778-1600
4950 Beechnut St.,
Houston , TX 77096 UNITED STATES
4 5

Jack's Carpets has horrible service

I went to the Jack's Carpets in Copperfield for flooring. I am having new furniture delivered on Monday and wanted the flooring installed before then. I bought and paid for flooring on the promise that it would be installed Friday July...
posted at 07/22/11

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Jack's Carpet
Rugs & Carpets
4.0 (1 reviews)
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