Jack Brown Cleaners

Jack Brown Cleaners

Local Services in Austin, TX

Local Services Dry Cleaning & Laundry

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5800 Slaughter Ln W., 340
Austin , TX 78749 UNITED STATES


Jack Brown Cleaners 512-301-9777
5800 Slaughter Ln W., 340
Austin , TX 78749 UNITED STATES
Jack Brown Cleaners 1

Based on 1 reviews

Jack Brown Cleaners 512-301-9777
5800 Slaughter Ln W., 340
Austin , TX 78749 UNITED STATES
1 5

Consistently poor service

Besides burning a hole in my slacks that they initially tried to claim was defective (they relented), they consistently over charged me. One major problem would be that they would dry clean shirts that were meant to be laundered. The...
posted at 10/20/10

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Jack Brown Cleaners
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1.0 (1 reviews)
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