J B 24 Hr. Tire Service 2

J B 24 Hr. Tire Service 2

Tires in Duncanville, TX


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103 S Main St.,
Duncanville , TX 75116 UNITED STATES


J B 24 Hr. Tire Service 2 972-572-6869
103 S Main St.,
Duncanville , TX 75116 UNITED STATES
J B 24 Hr. Tire Service 2 1

Based on 3 reviews

J B 24 Hr. Tire Service 2 972-572-6869
103 S Main St.,
Duncanville , TX 75116 UNITED STATES
1 5

J B 24 hr Tire store warning!!!

THis establishment is not only RUDE but UNSAFE!! My daughter bought two tires on Sunday. When she got down the road her tire pressure light came on we told her to go back they just put air in the tires my husband and I got there just as...
posted at 07/11/11
J B 24 Hr. Tire Service 2 972-572-6869
103 S Main St.,
Duncanville , TX 75116 UNITED STATES
1 5

Lacks ethics and integrity

The employees of this establishment are rude. Their practices are unethical and lack integrity. I purchased a used tire here for $60 because they were the only tire shop open on Super Bowl Sunday. The receipt does state that there is no...
posted at 02/11/11
J B 24 Hr. Tire Service 2 972-572-6869
103 S Main St.,
Duncanville , TX 75116 UNITED STATES
1 5

Rude and lacking integrity

The employees of this establishment are rude. Their practices are unethical and lack integrity. I purchased a used tire here for $60 because they were the only tire shop open on Super Bowl Sunday. The receipt does state that there is no...
posted at 02/11/11

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J B 24 Hr. Tire Service 2
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