Irma's Burger Shack

Irma's Burger Shack

Restaurants in Oklahoma City, OK

Restaurants Fast Food Restaurants

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1120 Classen Dr.,
Oklahoma City , OK 73103 UNITED STATES


Irma's Burger Shack 405-235-4762
1120 Classen Dr.,
Oklahoma City , OK 73103 UNITED STATES
Irma's Burger Shack 3.5

Based on 2 reviews

Irma's Burger Shack 405-235-4762
1120 Classen Dr.,
Oklahoma City , OK 73103 UNITED STATES
4 5

Good Burger

Irma's is a good place to eat, lunch is around $10 for burger, fries and drink, it gets packed up quick around noon, the burgers taste just like they were cooked outside on the grill.
posted at 06/16/10
Irma's Burger Shack 405-235-4762
1120 Classen Dr.,
Oklahoma City , OK 73103 UNITED STATES
3 5

Irma's at the Plaza Court

Not a bad place all in all if you're looking to get that cholesterol fix on.
The burgers are above average (all seem to be cooked about medium well and you have no choice in the matter, or at least you're not asked) and they have quite...
posted at 06/07/10

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Irma's Burger Shack
3.5 (2 reviews)
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