Ip Piano School

Ip Piano School

Specialty Schools in Boston, MA

Specialty Schools

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72 Kneeland St., 501
Boston , MA 02111 UNITED STATES


Ip Piano School 617-542-9129
72 Kneeland St., 501
Boston , MA 02111 UNITED STATES
Ip Piano School 5

Based on 1 reviews

Ip Piano School 617-542-9129
72 Kneeland St., 501
Boston , MA 02111 UNITED STATES
5 5

Excellent Musical Instruction by a highly qualfied staff

The Ip Piano School is dedicated to helping young people discover their musical talent through the study of piano or violin. The director, Ms. Winnie S.C. Ip works tirelessly to ensure that students receive a high quality musical...
posted at 01/04/10

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Ip Piano School
Specialty Schools
5.0 (1 reviews)
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Ip Piano School

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