Import Automotive

Import Automotive

Auto Repair in San Bernardino, CA

Auto Repair

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909 W 21st St.,
San Bernardino , CA 92405 UNITED STATES


Import Automotive 909-796-0803
909 W 21st St.,
San Bernardino , CA 92405 UNITED STATES
Import Automotive 5

Based on 1 reviews

Import Automotive 909-796-0803
909 W 21st St.,
San Bernardino , CA 92405 UNITED STATES
5 5

the best

This is the best place to take an import car. The first thing you'll notice is how clean the shop is. The staff is excellent and detail oriented. They have worked on my cars for many, many years. I would highly recommend them. Ask...
posted at 05/08/11

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Import Automotive
Auto Repair
5.0 (1 reviews)
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