Huffines Auto Dealerships

Huffines Auto Dealerships

Auto Repair in Plano, TX

Auto Repair Body Shops

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1001 Coit Rd At Plano Pkwy.,
Plano , TX 75075 UNITED STATES


Huffines Auto Dealerships 972-867-4000
1001 Coit Rd At Plano Pkwy.,
Plano , TX 75075 UNITED STATES
Huffines Auto Dealerships 3

Based on 3 reviews

Huffines Auto Dealerships 972-867-4000
1001 Coit Rd At Plano Pkwy.,
Plano , TX 75075 UNITED STATES
4 5

Fair price and honest service department

Had to leave my vehicle at the dealership when they were closed late on a Friday night. The transmission would only go in drive or park. I was able to get help on Saturday morning at 7 am! An hour before they opened. The transmission was...
posted at 04/19/10
Huffines Auto Dealerships 972-867-4000
1001 Coit Rd At Plano Pkwy.,
Plano , TX 75075 UNITED STATES
1 5

god-awful worst service ever

We've been trying to deal with these people since 1989, and the service (from repair to new car sales) is abysmal. Other people we have talked to have had the same experience. On numerous occasions, I (or others I know) have been by to try to test drive or buy a car, and no one will even talk to you. My brother went so far as to drive all the way to Friendly Chevrolet (off of I35) to buy and service his Corvette b/c he has been so disgusted by Huffines' lack of service. We have been told that they are too busy to do a repair. I have been yelled at on the phone for using the wrong word in a question. The only reason I ever venture that way is that it's the closest Chevy dealership...and I keep thinking that it'll get better or something. But nothing has changed in 17 years. I went to see the new Z06 just the other day (with intention to buy/lease), and I walked around the place for 30 minutes. No one gave me the time of day.

If you want service, friendliness, and a quality e
posted at 12/26/06
Huffines Auto Dealerships 972-867-4000
1001 Coit Rd At Plano Pkwy.,
Plano , TX 75075 UNITED STATES
4 5

Fair price and honest service department

Had to leave my vehicle at the dealership when they were closed late on a Friday night. The transmission would only go in drive or park. I was able to get help on Saturday morning at 7 am! An hour before they opened. The transmission was a complete mess. They had a written good-faith estimate to me by 9 am! All on a Saturday. I compared the quote and found out from several shops that it was reasonable. Every time I was able to get a person on the phone right away. They returned emails too. And all this on the weekend! But then the great thing happened. There was a recall and they offered to pay for half the repair or buy back my vehicle. I was shocked. The repair shop wanted the repair, but instead were honest and gave me the choice. I was impressed.
posted at 04/19/10

Detail information

Company name
Huffines Auto Dealerships
Auto Repair
3.0 (3 reviews)
fix car scratch,  auto electrical,  collision auto repair car brake repair
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