Howells Collision Center

Howells Collision Center

Auto Repair in Lake Lynn, Springhill, PA

Auto Repair Body Shops

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2573 Springhill Furnace Rd.,
Lake Lynn, Springhill , PA 15451 UNITED STATES


Howells Collision Center 724-564-2677
2573 Springhill Furnace Rd.,
Lake Lynn, Springhill , PA 15451 UNITED STATES
Howells Collision Center 3

Based on 1 reviews

Howells Collision Center 724-564-2677
2573 Springhill Furnace Rd.,
Lake Lynn, Springhill , PA 15451 UNITED STATES
3 5


My brother brought his car here to get fixed after he had been hit on the rear, near his trunk. They did a great job of getting his car fixed in a short amount of time and they did it for a very reas...
posted at 07/14/05

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Howells Collision Center
Auto Repair
3.0 (1 reviews)
japanese auto repair,  auto bumper repair,  car brake repair car painting
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