Honda-Acura -Comtec Automotive

Honda-Acura -Comtec Automotive

Auto Repair in Rancho Cordova, CA

Auto Repair Gas & Service Stations Transmissions and Engines

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11255 White Rock Rd.,
Rancho Cordova , CA 95742 UNITED STATES


Honda-Acura -Comtec Automotive 916-638-2263
11255 White Rock Rd.,
Rancho Cordova , CA 95742 UNITED STATES
Honda-Acura -Comtec Automotive 4.8

Based on 5 reviews

Honda-Acura -Comtec Automotive 916-638-2263
11255 White Rock Rd.,
Rancho Cordova , CA 95742 UNITED STATES
4 5

Rancho Cordova Auto Repair

I am Thankful for the service I received from Comtec Automotive in Rancho Cordova. They were very helpful in my decision making process as to which repairs I actually needed. \r
I appreciated that they realized the extra services...
posted at 08/03/10
Honda-Acura -Comtec Automotive 916-638-2263
11255 White Rock Rd.,
Rancho Cordova , CA 95742 UNITED STATES
5 5

Rancho Cordova Auto Repair

I am Thankful for the service I received from Comtec Automotive in Rancho Cordova. They were very helpful in my decision making process as to which repairs I actually needed. \r
I appreciated that they realized the extra services...
posted at 08/02/10
Honda-Acura -Comtec Automotive 916-638-2263
11255 White Rock Rd.,
Rancho Cordova , CA 95742 UNITED STATES
5 5

Satisified customer

My first experience with comtec was a leaking radiator. Since that time, they have been my repair shop for my car. I am very happy with the experiences I have had with them. I find them to be honest and reputable. They will not do...
posted at 09/19/10
Honda-Acura -Comtec Automotive 916-638-2263
11255 White Rock Rd.,
Rancho Cordova , CA 95742 UNITED STATES
5 5

Rancho Cordova Auto Repair

I am Thankful for the service I received from Comtec Automotive in Rancho Cordova. They were very helpful in my decision making process as to which repairs I actually needed.

I appreciated that they realized the extra services aren't for everyone. One thing that seems to set them apart is they educate people like me on how to keep my car running well past 100,000 miles. Here is what I came away with. I could get my repair done here for a fair price, and keep my extra $$ in my pocket, Or, if i am planning on keeping my car longer, I can get a few services done now and save big on expensive repairs later. The choice is yours.
They aren't pushy, If you don't keep your cars, and don't care about extra warranties they wont force you to get the service. It is the information that i appreciate. I've got two cars. One I'll be bringing to them from now on. The other one, the manager, and myself agreed was likely not worth some of the repairs or maintenance that would normally be recommende
posted at 08/02/10
Honda-Acura -Comtec Automotive 916-638-2263
11255 White Rock Rd.,
Rancho Cordova , CA 95742 UNITED STATES
5 5

Satisified customer

My first experience with comtec was a leaking radiator. Since that time, they have been my repair shop for my car. I am very happy with the experiences I have had with them. I find them to be honest and reputable. They will not do unnecessary work, which is very important to me. A more friendly repair shop you will not find. A very satisfied customer.
posted at 09/18/10

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Honda-Acura -Comtec Automotive
Auto Repair
4.8 (5 reviews)
car fixing,  german auto repair,  fix car scratch fix car dent
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