Heden Podiatry

Heden Podiatry

Doctors in Marietta, GA


Contact us


4439 Roswell Rd.,
Marietta , GA 30062 UNITED STATES


Heden Podiatry 770-977-8221
4439 Roswell Rd.,
Marietta , GA 30062 UNITED STATES
Heden Podiatry 5

Based on 2 reviews

Heden Podiatry 770-977-8221
4439 Roswell Rd.,
Marietta , GA 30062 UNITED STATES
5 5

Wonderful doctor and surgeon

I had surgery on both my feet for severe bunions. After surgery, I had pain for only a couple days and the rest of my recovery was pain free. I suffered with painful feet for several years because I was fearful as to how bad the...
posted at 07/30/10
Heden Podiatry 770-977-8221
4439 Roswell Rd.,
Marietta , GA 30062 UNITED STATES
5 5

Super care and excellent staff

I have had the best experience as a patient of Dr. Light's. He is very professional, but is genuinely interested and caring about his patients. I also appreciate the fact that he is very prompt and speedy but in a good way--not rushed at...
posted at 08/17/10

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