Auto Repair in El Monte, CA
Auto Repair
3548 Santa Anita Ave.,
El Monte ,
Based on 8 reviews
With our Full Condolenses.
My full condolenses to the family. I was in shock when I heard about his death. I knew Hector for over 30 years when he used to work with the abuelo and he used to work at Valley Brake. He was a very nice and generous man. We use to go to...You will truly be missed!!!
I was so upset when i was watching the news and saw the report of Hectors death!!! I met Hector 10 years ago at my golf course that i work at out in Riverside. He would come out with family and friends of Oscars. He would always be such a...Deeply Sadden
I am deeply sadden to hear the news about Hector. I can honestly say that I have not met many men as genuine as Hector. The El Monte community has suffered a great loss!!another Angel
I am so saddened to hear of the tragic news. My parents and I knew Hector for many years as he grew his business. What a man, what a very unique individual. My condelences to his family. R.I.P. Hector. \rDeeply Sadden
I am deeply sadden to hear the news about Hector. I can honestly say that I have not met many men as genuine as Hector. The El Monte community has suffered a great loss!!You will be missed
I am so sad to hear the news of Hectors death. I met him about 15 years ago in a golf tournament. He was so very friendly. I saw the competitor side of him too. I knew this combination made him very successful in whatever he did. I'm...another Angel
I am so saddened to hear of the tragic news. My parents and I knew Hector for many years as he grew his business. What a man, what a very unique individual. My condelences to his family. R.I.P. Hector. \rRest in Peace Hector
Sorry to comment Hector Urias was found dead at his shop this morning 9/8/2010.. how can someone be so heartless, how will u sleep at night!!Worldwide > United States > El Monte, CA > Auto Repair