H & A Tire & Automotive Center

H & A Tire & Automotive Center

Auto Repair in Griffin, GA

Auto Repair Tires Auto Parts and Accessories

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1140 W Taylor St.,
Griffin , GA 30223 UNITED STATES


H & A Tire & Automotive Center 770-228-2103
1140 W Taylor St.,
Griffin , GA 30223 UNITED STATES
H & A Tire & Automotive Center 2.5

Based on 2 reviews

H & A Tire & Automotive Center 770-228-2103
1140 W Taylor St.,
Griffin , GA 30223 UNITED STATES
1 5

NO Customer Service/ Bad Alignment

I DO NOT recommend H&A! They did an alignment on my car and 5 months later I had a busted front tire. Upon inspection, both the front end tires were completely eaten down to the metal on the inside of the tire. The outside tread still...
posted at 08/20/10
H & A Tire & Automotive Center 770-228-2103
1140 W Taylor St.,
Griffin , GA 30223 UNITED STATES
4 5

Great Prices & Service

Have used H & A Tire many times over the years for all kinds of service and have always been pleased with price and quality of work. I have recommended them to family and friends who have also had a great experience. If somebody has a...
posted at 03/04/11

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H & A Tire & Automotive Center
Auto Repair
2.5 (2 reviews)
car brake repair,  car repair services,  auto electrical japanese auto repair
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