Grotto Salerno Steak House

Grotto Salerno Steak House

Restaurants in Lewisville, TX

Restaurants Steakhouses

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2300 Highland Village Rd., 5
Lewisville , TX 75077 UNITED STATES


Grotto Salerno Steak House 972-318-0515
2300 Highland Village Rd., 5
Lewisville , TX 75077 UNITED STATES
Grotto Salerno Steak House 5

Based on 1 reviews

Grotto Salerno Steak House 972-318-0515
2300 Highland Village Rd., 5
Lewisville , TX 75077 UNITED STATES
5 5

Forget Downtown Dallas!! Highland Village has This Place!!!

In celebration of my son's high achievement and graduation from HS, I wanted to treat him to a fantastic meal. The only problem is that even the best restaurants in Dallas are hit andf miss and the price is still always high. We heard...
posted at 06/17/11

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