Grand Rios Hotel

Grand Rios Hotel

Arts & Entertainment in Minneapolis, MN

Arts & Entertainment Active Life Amusement Parks and Arcades

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6900 Lakeland Ave N.,
Minneapolis , MN 55428 UNITED STATES


Grand Rios Hotel 763-566-8855
6900 Lakeland Ave N.,
Minneapolis , MN 55428 UNITED STATES
Grand Rios Hotel 1

Based on 2 reviews

Grand Rios Hotel 763-566-8855
6900 Lakeland Ave N.,
Minneapolis , MN 55428 UNITED STATES
1 5

Water Park was fun, hotel - not so much

At 9:30 when we pulled back the comforter of the 2nd bed, the pillows and mattress were soaked in water from a leaky ceiling. The best part is that the comforter was completely dry, so it appears housekeeping just threw the comforter over...
posted at 03/07/11
Grand Rios Hotel 763-566-8855
6900 Lakeland Ave N.,
Minneapolis , MN 55428 UNITED STATES
1 5

PoorMgmt+Terrible Service=Go Somewhere Else

Highlights focusing on single day water park visit below:
- Waterpark opened 30 minutes late
(was not compensated for this but not worth discussing with the incompetent staff throughout this facility)
- No food service since out of...
posted at 01/02/11

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Grand Rios Hotel
Arts & Entertainment
1.0 (2 reviews)
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Grand Rios Hotel

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